My mother is getting older, timmers. How do you personally expect to defeat the aging process? Someday in the distant future, I hope you remember the asinine comments you just made.
is there any cool spots or rooms that i have to see.
if so witch ones
holy shit that sucks!!! i freaken hate old peoplenow. well ed n others i have a destination to go on for my first n probably last trip to byberry.

keepen it real
In one of the labs there is a drawer full of wax blocks with brain-tissue samples imbedded in the wax. There are hundreds of brain-chunks there and I wonder why. There's also an "Animals" room on the top floor of the lab/administration building.
Eastern State School and Hospital was demolished two years ago and a brand new Loews and a Wal-Mart stand on it's grounds now. The main hospital building was stripped down to it's steel skeleton and was rebuilt as a private communications college. The soda fountain, the smokestack, everything's gone.
Timmers, security doesn't go in the buildings ever, and the Philadelphia Police seldom do either. They will if taunted or provoked, but for the most part they don't. If you read Motts intro-story, the Police spotted us on our visit but failed to pursue us.
radical ed i heard that they are tearing down byberry n putting in row homes for old ass people? is this true. all i wanna know is are they going to tear it down in the next 2 years?

p.s. have u ever got caught by security there
Great picture Muffin. I really enjoy seeing the same item photograped by different people. It is always interesting to see the different perspectives of the artists/photographers.
I lived in this area a long time, was relocated to Indiana, anyone have info or knows any information on the old Eastern State School and Hosp Please email me, This hosp was located about a mile or 2 from the Byberry and was closed down a few years ago, not many have pics of ESSH, and I can't seem to get much info about why it closed down. I have a very personl interest in this.. Ty javabuzzinmama@hotmail.com.
Was this for school, and when did this deadline begin?
I had to write 61 by 6pm.
And thank you, I ike writting Haikus
I think the labs were mainly used to study the results from autopsies (hence why they are almost always next to the morgue) as well as various fluids and samples taken from patients to examine their illnesses on a biological and psychological standpoint, compiling them together to help determine the cause and cure for various physical and mental illnesses. Byberry had a very large and in-depth medical program, and also trained scientists and medical examiners. I'm sure the effects of drugs were monitored closely, as in collecting and comparing data from the patients (side effects, well-being, etc).

I don't think the drugs were tested on the patients themselves like lab rats, although these incidents have been reported at places such as Willowbrook, Fernald, and Vineland State Schools.
yeah hi i. im very intrested in byberry but i was wondering...why is there a lab? to you it may seem like a dumb childish question...but to me it seems like the lab represents how the mentally ill were considered "not human" and just lab rats?.....idk please answer back
Translation for =)
It is like deep, disturbing, but sure... is the form in which you are going to die, and know it, what terror! the photo: quite interesting

Almost done aren't you...how many didi you have to write? I must say you are very, very good at writing Haiku's...Very Good! :0)