
It is most likeley something like a sink or basin. If the edge rounded out like that of a bell, but more extreme it would have a bright edge on it.
I'm verry convinced it is a bowl like object. The shadows on the inside are just right.
Toilet to my guess, and the light spot could be anyting, light falling from the roof to reflections of the bowl like object.
Maybe they were protecting the kids from getting splinters or sap poisoning.
I know you wanted Motts, but you got me. (LOL)

I see the same Witchyified image in there. Actually it looks like a huge bat.
Or maybe it was the evil people who ran this place: this poor innocent tree was cruelly locked in a cage for being different! (Ok, I hope you can read the sarcasm dripping in my voice here)
My house is haunted, but I knew the people when they were alive, so we're cool.

The elevators at my office used to do this too: go to random floors and open up (sometimes with very surprised people still in them!) Turns out, the machine that ran them was very old, and just needed replacing. No more ghosts in the elevators!
if it would be a bowl or a sink its bright edge wouldnt surround it over all. and what bout the tail? i would say its some kind of motion tail. it cant be dust cuz its not as steady as a dust orb. just as u say, from just watching one photo we wont get any proof of anything at all. just beeing spooky is fun. =)

and im still waiting for mr. motts opinion cuz i'm very curious now. =)

huhu mr. motts!!! :P
Hey, Sketch, it's like Lynne says, we can't change how they were treated then, but we can now......
Definitely unplugged.
Yeah, but it's a really convincing myth...
Warning: they use big words that I don't understand...
Yeah, actually I was thinking Barney. He's really scary! Can you imagine him with some fangs!!!
"I truly apologize for my lack of ignorance. "
No apology necessary, ~Me.
Here's a bunch more:
Then again, here is a list of info on telling the difference between a real orb and a fake one:
See especially "Common Film Problems", "Examples of Lens Flare", and "Dust and Orbs"

If you blow the picture up (between 200 and 400 percent) you can tell for certain it isn't an orb. It looks almost like a large bowl or a sink. There even appears to be a drain in it... It could also be the cover from a light fixture (ok, soap dispenser).

I don't think we'll know for sure what this is, so I wouldn't use it as a "proof" for ghosts existing. I'd want a better picture that left no doubt that it was another object...
Counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere, and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
Or, did I fall for an urban legend?
Mmmmm, like Barney?!?

i love you, you love me, were so happy, sappy crappy song
maybe its a big fat orb of a big fat ghost. lol

im quite sure its not a plastic bag cause of the bright edge of this appiration.

here a link with beautiful orbs. even big ones. : )
