Mr. Lynne's Husband: It was my fault, really! Don't get Lynne a straight jacket, because I like my ass in its unkicked form! :D
Lynne: Ok, I think you're safe now... $100 US doesn't sound too bad for them. The one I saw was almost $500 US! I hadn't even thought to check with the S&M crowd. Now how will I explain it to Mrs. Sketch? "Ummm, yeah, I'm just looking for a straight jacket, nothing dirty here at all..." :D I'll say it's for ~Me...
Ha! Ye olde spousal unit came in the room as I was writing this and said that if you think about it, that would be a pretty good price, since a good straightjacket that is working as it should needs to be a well-crafted piece of equipment to do its job correctly. The ones we used to use back in the old days were canvas with leather straps to close in the back and then they had metal buckles. If you figure the stated reason for them is for containing a person who is out of control, they need to withstand some fairly terrific pressure and activity.
He said $100.00 is probably a deal.
Jesus, the things you get me into, Sketch! 8`-)
P.S. If my spouse now gets me a straightjacket for Christmas I'm coming to kick your ass, Sketch! >:-P
P.P.S. Guess I could give it to ~Me, though . . . . .
It looks like they sell them on eBay, but they are a tad pricey in my eyes (the three or four that just came up on eBay were around $100.00 American). I don't know if a medical supplies company would sell them to the general public and if so, what they might cost. Looks like a lot of "kinky" folks like 'em from the few attempts I just made to check it out on the web.
By the way, Sketch darlin', you better be my alibi when my husband uses the computer over the next few days and all the ads start coming in for kinky stuff. 8`-)