1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

If you didn't like going to the dentist before, you sure did after seeing this one.
Light fixtures always seem to be the first to go -(well, next to windows anyway)
There's that turquoise again!!
Seclusion at it's best ~~~
Transporting someone while they're taking a bath? THAT seems a little odd!! HA!!
The lone wheel chair, a signature shot. Just beautiful.
If it was tossed, what a shame. I would have a hard time not tossing it in the trunk of my car!
What a potent mixture, this looks like one of those old soda fountain dispensers (not soap) , that would make one hell of a milk shake!
Mr. Motts, if I were with you on this venture, I'm afraid you would have to drag me bodily from this room as I would have to check out each and every piece of equipment (and hopefully not catch anything). Fascinating!
Now tell me you didn't shimmy down one of those holes in the roof, did you?
wow - too bad there wasn't old, obsolete photographic equpiment left behind, that would have been too much of a temptation for me -
I'm in heaven. . new gallery, lots of pictures, a bowl of cheesy poofs and a soda. . . life IS good!
Where the earth meets the sky - incredible
I think this is my favorite shot so far in this gallery (although that's a hard choice to have to make) - this looks like something out of a 1932 Dracula movie - very cool indeed.
Nature makes the best colors