257 Comments Posted by MARIE, CMT

Beautiful structure!
Great credo on the Coat of Arms!
This picture reflects the sadness of its occupants.
The infamous pool! It's so amazing when there are pool areas inside of old asylums. Great shot!
Ah, the beautiful countryside! It made sense to put these asylums in quiet, country settings, away from the city. The peaceful atmosphere was thought to be conducive to healing. Everyone can benefit from the effects of nature. It's too bad that sometimes the inside of the buildings did not reflect the outside grounds.
This must have been a nice chapel to meditate in. Beautiful window!
Gorgeous shot! Man, this brings back memories!
The Clock Tower looks so alone by itself. It's a shame they demolished the two wings-they were quite intricate.
Great Black & White photo! With this medium, it shows the intensity of the building and what it represented.
It's too bad most of WSH is gone. At least I had the opportunity to view it for most of my life.
Great detail! This was indeed a beautiful structure!
This looks like an isolation room, so sad, so lonely, with only a light ray of hope shining through...I wish I was there to help.
This is one of the most lit-up rooms that I have seen in an abandoned place. I'm glad it's also free from graffii. It's a shame that this center for children was not conducive to healing.
It's strange-the room looks pleasant enough, but I guess looks are deceiving. It's a really sad story. I hope all the former patients of this place are OK today. May God Bless all your Footsteps...
I wonder what it was like working here-probably very noisy.