257 Comments Posted by MARIE, CMT

@Boiler 1220-Hi! I'm glad you all at least had that bond together. Somethimes when people go through rough times, it brings them together, since they are all feeling similar things. I hope you're doing OK today-best wishes! : )
Don't worry, Mr. Motts. Anyone could have thought this was a light, if they never used this before as a soap dispenser. I remember these from my old grammar school. It was a very old building. From time to time, one may see these in the basement bathrooms of old buildings. I do believe a saw another one of these old dispensers in an old stone building in Newport, RI. Great find!
Was that an old disco ball? I love to dance to disco music-it has a great beat! : )
This is a good chair to take a nap!
Hey, Mr. Motts! This is a great shirt to wear on all of your "adventures". It makes a great disguise; if you get caught, just tell them you are part of Security on the grounds.
Uh, ooh, there's my ride! ; )
I can't believe that they left the computer behind-someone could have used it at the time-again, my old, Great Depression Era values! : )
Infectious waste...gross.
Too funny! ; )
Great Composition! : )
Too scary!!!
I wouldn't want to get locked up in there!
This is very sad...all those kids needed was to feel wanted, loved, and cared about. What kind of family backgrounds did they come from? Were they ever nurtured while growing up? If only we could heal those lost souls today, to reach out to them and let them know that they, too, are special in God's eyes and deserve validation.
I also drove by where the old Met State used to be. The only thing that was left was the building at the entrance, over to the far left, as seen by the aerial shot. The rest is gone and only condos remain. Very sad. Also, very sad history...if any place is haunted, I would say that the grounds of this old state hospital would be.