I love the view of the trestle behind the newer building and the lush landscape behind it....if that got converted to condos or something, could be a nice photo for the ad!
It's a lovely pressed tin ceiling. Many times tin was used when the original ceiling would crack and/or threaten to fall (the duct tape solution of the Victorian and post-Victorian era).
Geez, one would think that if you were going to stage a bloody scene, one would use something that LOOKS more realistic than that....that's about as FAKE as the gelatin-glycerin-tempra paint mix they used for the elevator scene in The Shining. Looks like watercolor or tempra paint to me.
These look like a way of the trolley's overhead electrical contro arml being able to make the smooth curve without pulling on or losing connection with overhead wires that were more commonly used for trolley service.
....one was remembering this turn-of-the-century converted resort in Wisconsin I attended camp at that had a few claw-foot cast iron tubs like this one....and how DIVINE it was to bathe in them!
....the other thought was the tub from the movie "The Money Pit" when that lovely porcelain tub falls through the rotted floor and shatters....and Tom Hanks' obnoxious laugh at it when it does!
Yeah, usually it took people getting killed in fires or something in narrow passageways like this one before someone would wake up and realize that designs like this were a BAD idea.....unfortunately in most cases when it was too late to save people.
gelliebean, I'm from the midwest and that's exactly what I call that tile floor, too! Schoolhouse tile....because that's where we all grew up seeing most of that awful linoleum garbage!
WOW, look at how the WALL shifted in the right hand side of that image....yeah, that drop tile mush must've been such a "wonderful refreshing" FUNK! EIW.