57 Comments Posted by stephanie

Fascinating and very interesting.
@rat: i'm thinking it's mold, due to the fact that it is in a bathroom where water could be found, and also because of how thin it looks.
wouldn't it be horrific if you were looking at those and someone just popped up?
D: bri/x/ would be shat
awesome! WOW
this place looks great! Where is it?
damn i've never gone up it.
my boyfriend saw a white thing pass the little hole we were about to climb into
so we decided against it.LOL
Last time i went (november)
The boilers were gone
But i still climbed onto an unstable wooden platform to get a better shot.lol
I have had that experiance before twice...but it turned out to be fellow photographers one time
and little 12 year old chavs another time
so we screamed and shit to scare them away *evil* lol
i was just in the kettle building of the hospital last night. i fell through a hole in the floor and hurt my legg really bad.
This is for janet...i don't know if your going to get this or anyone who would know. But theres a building by an enternce and a exit. That building me and my friends were there. my boyfriend saw a window opened and something told him a person jumped out the 3rd story. I would like to know how i can find out more information about that.....maybe even the guys name....anyone who can help me......my email is oconnors986@hotmail.com

Thank you very much
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me that you looked at those,... because I sure would have.
thats so freakin SICK
we still have those same chairs today. i see them at my work all the time. a geri-chair. AMAZING picture though!
VERY cool photos - I'm jealous! About the records, not only do I love old buildings, but any kind of ancestry/genealogy. It's like a treasure hunt! I can't help but feel that an effort should be made to contact these people, or their families, or courts....as a society we already have so little disregard for the past (well, maybe not the "us" who love websites like this one), I would hate to see these records just disappear. Or maybe I'm just too sentimental and shouldn't be concerned that private psychiatric records were left behind??? Ok, I'll stop babbling and go look at more photos :-)