331 Comments Posted by serenityjane

Daniel you crack me up.........
hahahahah! are you for real Daniel??? Rewind a little, you said it yourself
'in hospitals in movies'
and you are telling me that on the 'news' they actually FILM live footage of people committing suicide? Hmm? Just for our entertainment would you say?
really Daniel R? What have you got on YOUR PC that's so different from ours? , a new version of 'scratch and sniff' -----'scratch and listen'? Either that or you're hearing voices in your head...........
so what was the name of the movie?????
Yeh, guess I have to get in (the extremely long) line of admirers and just.....' admire'.....
nice nice nice
It DOES look like someone's on it.........can just make out an outline of an upper torso.....*aaagh*
Daniel R........excuse me? What did they just like go: ''Oh would it be convenient for me to be escorted to that room over there as I believe it is reserved for people who wish to terminate their lives. No rush, I'll wait here'???
I think NOT
LucieLoo..........maybe this WAS a kind of therapy!
that's what it is probably.........a fetish. But I teach kids who come out with some really shocking stuff, namely regarding death and torture. By making jokes about it they are just exploring their own reactions to it....and sometimes they are the first to get scared when faced with frightening real life situations. Maybe these drawings are the same. You know what they say, it's the quiet ones who you have to be careful of. (the ones that keep it all hidden inside).
or simply a soap dispenser that doubles up as a lamp (*snigger*)
Eldokid! Yeh......there's one particular one called poison.......and you know what? IT IS!!!!! It burns........what do they do, shower in it????
my sentiments exactly Eldokid. ditto, ditto, ditto.............I can't remember LBO (life before opacity)
That's nice to see, we're playing fair over the tiles this time! Hi Nick, hope your hair has grown back...............
I don't know Firefly! Sounds interesting though......;)
Dont tell everyone about the brown bottle, hide it quick! lol
incredible set of photos. Thought provoking and haunting