18 Comments Posted by pinkpolkadots

it shows how many people lived and died here
probably the plastic bottle was the only toy they had
this is probably a prank because there doesn't seem to be water damage or any mold on the paper so it hasn't been there a very long time
probably antesia, or stuff used to calm down the patients before treatment
a gorgeous color
this place could of been restored and turned into historical site it si extremely sad that all that fine craftmanship was destroyed. i wonder if anyon e tried to protest aganist the bulldozing!
why caged?
looks like an interrogation room in a movie
did they build it?
why are there three random blocks of color
they do what??
they are now used to fit and make retainers
medical students could learn about the body, many old medical schools have such things
this should be wallpaper
breaking HIPPA