274 Comments Posted by patrick

I believe this actually is a radiator and the actual line reactor was removed.
The scroll thing is way cool. 2 for 1 Motts!
Super cool shot. Sooo early 1900's
A certain Huge grid failure comes to mind around August 14, 2002......perhaps a pigeon perched on one of those switches???
Michigan Central Station in Detroit is pretty neat, I've kicked around in there a few times. Always have an uneasy feeling in there though, couldn't quite put my finger on the why.... Did anyone notice the air compressor??? LOL:)~
Righteee Oooo
What, No Desert??????
Kinda looks like an industrial toilet seat cover.
Don't change a thing. Your shots are awesome and always thought provoking. (hence the many comments after each one)
Your site rocks!
The water on the floor is awesome, looks like some kind of demon (on the left) stabbing a jester (on the right) with a sword.
"I'm dreaming of a life and it's not the life that's mine. In a stolen car I rocket west out past that Jersey line."

It's a song by Jets To Brazil called Morning New Disease. I know because I drew that.
I wonder if any of the crypts I MT. Hope cemetery are as ornate. My Dad only told me that one time he found a man sleeping with a corpse. My dad is a Rochester police officer and has gotten some pretty weird calls.
this is what all the floors looked like. just barren empty rooms with no windows at all. i'm sure he just used a flashlight, that was the thickest dark i've ever been in
Wow, where is this place? theres so many amazing abandoned buildings on this site and ive yet to see one in real life!
wow nice shot.. i will mow the grass for $50 bucks lol
email me at pbracelin@yahoo.com if anyone wants to go sometime soon, i live right down the road an i haven't been in a while so i want to revisit