441 Comments Posted by nvusofmotts

The belly of the beast.
Burp to go back down, Charlie!! The fizzy lifting drink is going to make us hit the fan!!!!
GIANT robotic praying-Mantis.
Hmmm...now I'm excited.....:-D
Little bit of overkill, there......
Perfect vanishing perspective.
Wow. You could call this "Vertigo".
Jason.....I just about spewed tea out of my nose!...lol.....
Hahahaha....."Company". Love that, Motts :-).
Hmm. I wonder if he has a cousin named Lug Nut?-- :-D
Rekrats: I disagree with your last point. Rehabilitation isn't a realistic expectation of a prison system. It's prison, not counseling. People who actually DO the things that get them sent to prison are there to be punished for not behaving themselves in normal society, and causing unecessary misery for others ("behave" as in, don't rob, beat, murder, take advantage of, or assault other people. Period.). If somoene is a selfish, violent, aggressive, dishonest, deceitful person who cannot keep him/herself under control in the "outside world" (and I don't care about the "tough childhood/life"), they can sit in prison and rot, as far as I'm concerned (WITHOUT TV, gym, law libraries, etc..). If you do the kinds of things that get you sent there, you DESERVE to BE there. Don't do things that put you there. Duh. Forget about "rehabilitation". Not realistic.
NICE :-)
LOVE this :-)
Now, the only thing as creepy as WALL tile is exposed pipes painted to "blend in" with the wall. Always makes me think of the building's "guts" being visible, like the rooms are inside out...shudder....