441 Comments Posted by nvusofmotts

The wallpaper behind the vertical pipe looks like a robe or a squashed person in a suit.
EEEEWWW!!!!.... Why are the "whites" of it's eyes GREEN?
Don't see that herringbone floor pattern anymore. Too bad. I kinda like it :-). Pretty red leaves against the pale rest of the room.
...either that or that's smoke coming from behind him because his bottom is on fire :-0....lol... Everybody's heard of getting someone to hurry up with something by "lighting a fire under his....."....(OK, stopping now..._
Looks like Edward Scissorhands had an accident :-0
Wow, watch that first step :-0
Unpleasant :-(. Looks like a crypt entrance.
Into the abysssssssssss...
Creepy. I like the shot, but for some reason, the atmosphere/ambiance (can't decide on the best word >:-*) that surrounds "skylight light" in buildings is always a little strange-feeling to me. I wouldn't want one in my house. Maybe that's just me. Anybody else prefer plain old WINDOWS for light?
Fixed up a little (and conveniently/magically relocated to MY house ;-)), this would make a great bedroom :-).
Nasal smear. Gross. Hope no one here ever has to have one of THOSE.... (8-P . -LK
"His boyfriend was getting jealous and didn't like him cheating with rudimentary line drawings."

HAHA :-). Just going back through some old galleries and found that. Funny. :-)
Reminds me of the Winchester house. Dang. I don't think I could have resisted knocking a hole through that to see what was inside! OK, not really, but it would have been REEEEEEEEEally hard to resist, and would have driven me crazynot to see what was back there.