441 Comments Posted by nvusofmotts

Another great one to enlarge and frame. Great pix, Motts!!!!!
Now, I'd frame that one and have it in my living room. Say, about 30"x40" with black matting....;-)
YAY!! First comment!! :-) :-) (OK, not much exciting is happening in my life right now :-* ....) Haven't been on here in a while; this is beautiful. Would've loved to have seen that place. Too bad it's gone. It breaks my heart to see such beautiful work go to waste under a bulldozer. I couldn't do it. Thanks for the pictures, though. At least we get to see these places this way. :-)
I always remember that stalac"T"ites are on the "T"op. Hope that helps..:-). Great shot. That door hasn't been moved in a while, I'd guess.
Bucky Katt: Maybe the "vaporex"is a kind of de-humidifier for the room...like the kind you use in a damp basement.....? that room had to be humid (and smelly) with all the wet bathing suits hanging around ......(peewww)
....oh, wait a minute..."post mortem"...sorry.....
Oh, my gosh. That makes me hope they had some early variety of autoclave back then......:-0....
I always love looking at old photos. There's something fascinating about seeing someone's eyes peering back at you from accross the decades. ..
Now THAT is cool.....:-)
Yep, Richard, I agree. It looks like a praying mantis......
It's a......a...........extra-delux-super-model, turbo-charged, nitro-infused...........SOAP DISPENSER!!!!!!!!.........(runs to get out of reach before anyone can deliver a hard smack.........).....sorry, I couldn't resist that, just ONCE!........:-)
Almost looks like Escher...:-)
SECOND comment......well, I tried....;-)
Wow. One of my worst nightmares is getting stuck in dark, thick, black opaque water that has no bottom. Always imagine that something will grab my feet from below.......or bite.....(shudder).Creeps me out.......:-0.. WHY WHY WHY do they not drain these things?....(unless it's just years of rain)...
i wonder if they are actually fungi or mossy mold, growing upward from the blackish "stems"....?