20 Comments Posted by leigh

This is only the third picture Ihave gotten to, It just disgust me that these poor kids went through such disgusting treatmet,
everyone is talking about the chair look closely can you spot the what looks like a cowboy or maybe a man in the hat WEIRDNESS and the chair says boo 'GETTING CHILLS'
hallways r like the mind, long with many doors. this particular reminds me of the game resident evil. ugh, someone has same user name as me, now i have to use 12 Monkeys ;)
looks like a steam engine, and u did good to make it appear like an old photo.
the rooms where humans hold dead humans ... it doesn't look bad at all, it is the end point where a patient finally rests in peace
this one with doors open....it means freedom. and light is bright from inner rooms and means happiness from suffering. these pictures give me a sense of security, they are comforting..i like to look at them :) everyone knows my love and me are mentaly insane couple cuz have been diagnosed with insanity but thats why we like your pictures :) keep taking more good photography u do
Kay, this may sound kinda kooky but I really love shots of old, derelict swimming pools and baths, like the Sutros in San Francisco....Motts, Do you care to photograph that kinda thing? I hate to even ask because your present galleries could not get any more amazing but I just have to ask! I've checked about 10 other galleries but they just frustruate me becasue they're just not set up like Opacity........!
I've heard of a few hospitals having bowling alleys and pools in their basements...do you ever come across any pools?
Bit o'paint and she'll be like new!
Thats a whopper of an engine! Somebody restore it !
What were you doing in an industrial press in an abandoned factory you nutcase??
Thats a painful illustration of time. Somehow a bit sad too.
Wish I could visit the place.
Is this really a special morgue for children?
Stunning new pictures and I'm not even at work to risk my boss's wrath. Thursday is beautiful!
Motts, do you see any abandoned hotels in the future ?
Motts, do you see visiting any more hotels in the near future? The Pines gallery is the ultimate!