20 Comments Posted by hawk

would make a nice wallpaper
Just a thought, but shouldn't human plasma not work with rats. perhaps thats why they weren't able to perform as they previously had? But my knowledge of medicine is next to nothing, so I could be totaly wrong
I've herd something similar to what Maggy said. One of my cowokers told me that it has to do with the color wheel, and basically the color of blood sits opposite that green/tiel color, and acts subdue the color of blood I guess is the best way to put it.
yes indeed there is something or someone in the window. you can also see the branch of the evergreen tree,it stops short right at the egde of the window frame. or it could just be something that camera picked and came out when it was developed,if motts developes his own pics too. there also might be a smeare or the picture that give the illusion that someone or something is in the window.
if this was a room in my house i lose those lights,put a plasma tv in the middle and put shelves up in the right and left coves and make a media /den room.
i want a window like that in my next house.
can't find workmeship like that anymore. i don't even think a carpenter of today would even have the skills and creativtity to replicate such beauty.
don't make them like that anymore.
a great way to spend a cold friday night. great gallery motts.
i could fall asleep on one of those chairs,cleaned of course.
would make a great wallpaper.
i need to go give my cats a hug,this is too much.
that fan in the backround kind of looks like the one my boss uses on jobs. wonder if he stole it from byberry.
this site rocks mj you have no class . old buildings are more beautiful then the new . motts is the shit. keep up the good work and keep those galleries coming.
did you kill it lol