767 Comments Posted by flushed

:) bobo
looks like decorative iron work with glass behind it Toot.
Take a look at the old photos they make this regrowth even more interesting since there was a fairly large clear space around these buildings when they were in use.
Eldo, Most of the story is in this Quick Run Thread in the comments I have made. There was another thread or two that I participated in but after Motts changed the site I couldn't find them as I was depending on the recent comments function to find them I did not bother to remember what location they were.
It isn't really very fun for me to just bring this stuff up because someone is interested as it also drags up symptoms the events caused. If you have a question join the forum I use the same name.
MIca, At a guess I would say the artist made a cast of those hands then used it for a mould. The cowl is probably a real cowl or an old blanket soaked in something like plaster that hardens as they do with papier mache and placed over a wire frame.
His weird uncle who the family does not talk about.
I think you misunderstand Mona. They were buried in a cemetery which became overcrowded. The solution was to dig up the bones and put them in a purpose built osuary which became overcrowded. Eventually the bones, which kept accumulating, were put into the catacombs as a final resting place. All done as respectfully as such things can be.
Next stop ROME. The pictures and videos of the Catacombs under Rome are a lot narrower and tighter. From say age 12 or so I remember being told stories of people going missing in The Catacombs, usually during Channel 11 horror movies.
I had been told they were under Rome. It is only as an adult that I learned there are some in Paris and possibly other places where similar conditions existed.
Thanks Motts
doh head slap, now I get it GRAMMAR flushed.
Gotta say I've been through the gallery several times. I do nit see ladder rungs.
When my Guard Unit went to Germany (I stayed home) One of my buddies noticed all the "Go home Ami" graffiti so being the guy he is he would keep asking people "Who is Amy?"
It seemed a lot funnier before I wrote that down.
Petticoat Junction?
I wonder if the monkeys or rats or??? that come after humans are gone will regard this graffiti as we do the Lascaux Cave Paintings?
Having looked at some diagrams I may be wrong. that could be a skull and ilium or shoulder blade or some animal bones fused with the gunk that is there.

Hey Binky there used to be an ingredient in every "doctor" in Europes kit called mumia. It was ground Egyptian mummy and many people took it as a medicine. There used to be millions of mummies and they were dug up & ground up for medicine and fertilizer.
that paint thing is the first I heard of it I ofund this http://www.theepochtim...-of-ancient-mummies/
I had also heard that they were burned in boilers but Straight Dope says that the source of that tale was a joke by Mark Twain in Innocents Abroad.