767 Comments Posted by flushed

there was a candy colored clown they called the sandman.....
Blue Velvet
Seems to me that bulb is entirely supported by a metal frame independent of the building. Something about the story does not ring true.
Some pictures of similar homes
this is the most welcoming picture. The can invites us to come in and pick it up.
it has a reflected off water quality to it.
This was also during the time that Eugenics had become very popular. Many institutions were being created to improve society and some weren't so nice. The Fernauld school outside Boston is one where they used the boys mostly just delinquents whom had been "diagnosed" using Eugenics as morons etc. They had a farm and shoe factory that they forced the boys to work in and made money off them from it. There is a book "The State Boys Rebellion" Michael D'Antonio Someone who recognized my story as familiar recommended it. In it they describe the abuse these boys endured and some of it is exactly the same as what I endured down to the exact same phrasing of abuse and the description of the tortures they would inflict and terrorize them with to include ECT.
I imagine if I could ever get past the triggering of my PTSD as I tell my story it would look a lot like that book. There were many such institutions across the nation where working was used as excuse to institutionalize people to supply labor.
That red around the windows really makes them pop and I think makes it seem under repair.
I bet that felt really cool and modern when it was first in use.
Somehow this evoked a thought of 1920's Chicago. I imagined a bunch of regular working folk using this as a speakeasy.
That stonework is fine as long as it has the internal bracing. Once that is gone freezing defrosting will tear it down over time.
Grey Gardens popped into my head as soon as it came into view.
Would love to see this site rehabbed and inhabited.
Help I've fallen and I can't reach my beer. :)
Welcome to earth eldokid. Been here long? We are all alone, always.