767 Comments Posted by flushed

The fire would have weakened the cement and brickwork.
It burned in 1960 autoguy
Probably a Union Jack Tony
Air raid shelter?
Can you imagine that view in fall when the leaves are turning?
I've heard the phrase "Bannerman's Castle" many times in my life this is the first time I have seen pictures.
Try stretching your hamstrings and calves. I used to get pain in my foot from wearing shoes with heels. It wasn't until I remembered the injury to my glute and started trying to fix what I was always told was congenital and unfixable that I figured out the foot pain was due to over tight hamstring and calves. That was an accident that I happened to notice the foot pain go away when I stretched. Now I wear heeled shoes all the time.
I'm not sure what you have in mind but I asked some questions over at SMF and they directed me to this page on upgrading. I hope it works out that you can keep the site up.

I'm a real boy/
Eldo I have emailed you twice you don't respond.
Temple Grandin! that's her name apparently she has autism.
Back in the day that Baumeister was doing this it was near the end of the horrible evil practice of not providing any kind of affection or positive human interaction to patients regarded as retarded or mentally ill or having cerebral palsy often regarded as not having a mind. The rocking is a stress reaction and self comforting. I think what's her name the gal who invented a hugging machine for herself, they did a movie on her, sort of proves my point. I read the first couple paragraphs and it sounds horrible what he was doing to them.
John Galt the old ones had no limit on setting or duration. They used to turn it one and move the electrodes about without breaking contact with my head. They used a lower setting but I do recall the times when they used higher settings and my 5 year old body reacted in the same way Murphy did on OFoCN. The last one I recall is the one the lady burned my held by holding the electrodes firm in one spot and cranking it to the max. They guy she tricked into letting her do it and had someone call him out of the room came running because he could smell my hair and scalp burning.
She got in trouble by the abusers not the authorities as they had it down to a science not to leave any evidence of what they were doing to the kids and she jeopardized that. I forget how they covered it up it might have been one of the spans of time I was secluded and not let outside with the other kids until it healed.