3 Comments Posted by claude

I lived in that home-58N from 1963-1972. So many memories. My bedroom was the window above the door. And the Pine tree behind the chimney, I can recall planting that with my grandfather. Went back recently- house knocked down and tree cut down too. But, still a beautiful place. I am glad this was my childhood.
I worked in ci for 19 years and was laid off before they closed but as cruel as it sounds the patients were much better off there, than when they were released, they were put on the streets of ny city to fend for themselves many that were living there for years were not able to exist on the streets of the city and suffered from cold and hunger the money they got from social security was stolen and there medicin was either taken away or they were not able to receive it as they were taken care of for so many yearsby the state. If you were institutionalised for a long time it is impossible to exist on your own in a strange place
Motts San you're an Angel..touching work to say the least ! Bravo