15 Comments Posted by cc

Sad to think my grandfather ended up here.
some friends and i went last night and it is definitely NOT worth going to. sure it's scary as hell, but so not worth the trespassing charge all 15 of us got when the cops caught us. =/
wish i had seen it
wish i knew more about what happened to my grandfther when he was there
my grandfather was a patient at byberry
Wow man, I just finished reading Lou Chapmans report on staying Penhurst State hospital. Having worked with Develope Mentally Disabled Adults myself for a number of years in a much nicer setting, though I can relate to the placid apathetic attitude when I brought to the attention to the owners of the group home of 48 clients both male/female high/low functioning that the actual "programming Director," himself was abusive to the clients. Hey, as long as this guy wrote up great results for the state...they could care less. I was/am a whistle blower and informed the state. They are still in buisness....all I know is....I did the best I can and in the best intrest of the clients. Back in the day, and not long ago, working as a CNA I and my co-workers were given 17 patients to one CNA....and that was SUB ACCUTE for the 3-11 shift. How can I provide proper nursing care regaurdless of sub-accute or long term whatever....my patients need and deserve proper nusring care for even to meet they're basic need's?! I made an appointment with the then DON (Director of Nursing) and it was all nicey-nice until I brought up the fact I and my fellow CNA's were handiling 17 patients on the 3-11 shift and when will it stop?! She blunlety told me I was lucky I wasn't given 19 to 22 ! I couldn't believe her insensitivity towards her/my charges (patients) and maybe I did more harm then good by quiting then and there...but hey, someone had to put there head on the chopping block. I have been in this nursing buisness a very long time. I remember back when AIDS was called GRID and patients food trays were left outside the patients door from the room , left on the floor, because of stupidity. I also know when my severly retarded cusin was dragged down the hall at Fairview to prep him ready for a "Home Visit." We were told to "call," first before picking him up...why, to cover the tracks? Like Lou Chapman wrote in her wonderful report concerning such moves by the stuff to be fore warned? Yes it's sad....be it any type of institutions....we warehouse those we can't afford at home of have time to care and yes, our environs may not be condusive to home care....However, there are many unsung hero's and we can volunteer even in these trying times....an hour here at the VA ...an hour there....Hell, turn the TV off or step away from the computer and due a little "feel good ," work....donate some clothes to a Long Term Care Faucility,"...many of these folks only recieve clothing from the next guy who died for Pete's sake...you think I am kidding? Mag's...books...hey these folks can read...okay...read to them....I am just saying...people especially the mentally challenged....they are innocents and we need to protect them and not let Willowbrook and the like....happen. That's all I am saying, not pointing fingers, but this NMBY of gropu homes and the like.....think about , thats all. I am getting off my soap box, be well people and spread peace man, not negative stuff okay? CC
this place used to inject children with polio vaccine before it was given to the general public, they experiemented on kids! This was an evil place and the people who worked there were scarier then the patients!!!
Letchworth Village was closed because the patients there were seriously neglected and abused by the staff. It was terrifically overcrowded. At oone point it was housing 4,500 patients at a time. Kids who were committed did not all have beds they slept on the floors and were treated like animals. It was not unlike the conditions of WillowBrook Institution which was also closed. Geraldo Rivera reported these abuses on the news years ago and made major investigatory reports and it blew these places wide open...now, they have been closed. Letchworth was one of the largest mental health institutions on the East Coast. It was an astounding disgrace, the way the patients were treated. Many of the patients were seriously ill and mal-treated. I've seen video of the reports and they are truly disturbing. Human beings should never be treated that way and it should never be allowed to occur again. The staff consisted of Doctors, various therapists and lots of aides, that truly never have been allowed to work with innocent sick people, including children.
HAHA lol
that was taken from Death metal band Cannibal Corpse
a great band...
foxtrot_xray , this building is listed now and cannot be knocked down.
Oh, and they all have frowning faces.. like I assume someone being committed might...
My interpretation is that the angels are the victim of the devil. The angels, it seems, represents the patients, almost as if they were victims. The devil is meant to represent the caretakers, nurses, people who sent them there as the devil. They are being lead up the stairs to the devil, as the patients were lead up the stairs to their wards; and, if you notice... one is laying down with, I believe, X's in his eyes, almost as if the devil slayed him. I blew up the image of the writing and got "Wave/Have Another Turn". I don't get that, though.
squzz, I could not agree more. I use to wrok there and I had many patients that loved me. I was injuried in a fight with a patient and several other patients came to my aid. I know there were some horrible things that happened their and some very uncaring people. However, most of the staff loved the patients and we worked with them all the time. They were able to do the gardens, have dinner in social groups and just enjoyed their life. If you go into Spring City (the closest town where most patients relocated) you will find many patients that where "able to acheive activites of daily lifes" that are eating off of the streets and in very poor conditions.
Man, pass me that joint and turn on the black light!
that's a kitchen, fool