21 Comments Posted by Terry

what does that sign say hanging from the chain?
that was a grandfather clock in the center of the bookcase
That cradle thing must be an odd shaped light fixture now to find the light. xD
The Lone Chair... Classic Motts? Perhaps
Tuesday, 05-23-2006
By: Lynne Because the soap dispenser was actually turned on in this tub

Poor Mr. Motts and his light.
By: Tony C. Another tub with a possible light...maybe an overflow drain? Looks almost like a grill in the shadows...

Hmm a radiator heater maybe? Hot water or steam or whut ever runs thru it to heat a room.
There's no way this kit will ever work again. The boilers will be ruined. The power is on because it's an active building and may still be used as a sub-station.

The cells are to keep the lights on when there's a power failure and possibly also to start a backup generator for local power. If they were the only thing powering the lights then the lights would have gone out a long time ago.
abandon ship.
it still looks like a toilet bowl uncensored
Very sad to see this. ThIs room is where the nurses pinning, capping and graduationceremonies were held. Makes me feel really old!!!
I graduated from the school of nursing in 1974, wondering if anyone has started an alumni group ? i would love to hear from others!!!
And now the world knows that I spelled "flooring incorrectly.
The wooden blocks were used for several reasons, First, and foremost they absorbed shock much better than concrete and when expensive castings were dropped they didn't fracture. Second, when damaged they were easy and inexpensive to replace when compared to repairs to other types of florring. Third, they were very easy to walk on and anyone who has spent his/her life in a mill that had floors like these preferred walking on them rather than concrete. Sadly, this third reason wasn't nearly as important as the first or second.
nice pictures these places should be saved not knocked down thanks for the memorys
old asylum gone forever sad