33 Comments Posted by T

My parents just visited the area and told me that demolition has started on the Pines. Sad =/
I lived it. :-(
anyone else see that orb there
we across that lastnight n it is way overgrown even the road going up to the place is overgrown shit hitting your car n all
i went last night n it was all good
Mid 50s?
Howie, You call a move from the Ritz to the Riverdale an upgrade?!
Another funny Ritz story.. Late one night the fire alarms start going off. We open our doors to see smoke (steam) pouring out from the room at the end of the hall way (what would be the second floor room on the far left in the pic). The guy inside was yelling & cussing. We went in for a closer look- through the smoke you could see the form of a tall thin black guy, completely naked, bending over at the old steam radiator with the broken lever in his hand yelling "how the hell do you shut this mother f*cking thing off?!" Of course nobody was willing to help the naked new guy- we retreated back to our rooms in hysterics instead.
..Or the time the keg broke during a party. We finally got it 'fixed' early the next morning- but it would only flow continuously with beer. What else could we do but to all call in sick so as not to let it go to waste? No staff today Jerry..
There were never any curtains in this area.. it was a mini 'greenhouse' type nook under the stairs that led to the night club.
A fire in the main building? These shots were taken in 2003..
If you think nobody will care if you steal from this place than you have no idea just how bored South Fallsburg PD actually are. They actually investigated the stealing of a pie from the Pines bakery back in the day.. (And when the detective came to the Ritz to question us it was spattered with whipped cream- jinkies!!) I'm going to assume it has only gone downhill from there.
I'm more intrigued by the fact that JLP genuinely seems to want to furnish his living quarters with this debris. How does he drive past any dumpster anyplace and maintain his composure?
Because this was a staff house. Curtains were a special treat.
Actually, Dona reading your other comments you may have been just before my time there (I was there late 80's). It's funny to read how many different generations of Pines employees have all posted the exact same experiences though.
I think I may be! You can email me at l82bedagain(at)yahoo.com
If it was stolen and not taken down by the owners, I'd be willing to bet it was their own hired security. Who else would have the opportunity to take something so large & hard to get to?