13 Comments Posted by Stan

Algunos españoles estabamos preocupados por la falta de fotos ultimamente...

Muchas gracias por las fotos y los buenos ratos
I was A Patient Here In My Mid Teens (another story)And While I Can Appreciate The Artwork In Your Pictures Seeing The Corridoors And Rooms You Shot It Stirred Up A Lot Of Emotion For Me I Write This And Its 2010 Now Im Talking Mid 70s When I was In There And You Compare The Treatment Of Mental Health Patients Today To Back Then There Poles Apart My Memories Of The Hospital Were When I Think Back Were Claustrophobic,Scary,Victorian In Its Oppresive Treatment Of Patients If You Have Ever Watched The Elephant Man That Comes Pretty Close To How It Was That Said Tho I Can Appreciate The Artwork In The Pictures Hope U Dont Mind My Comments
the building was burned down by the fire dept. during training.
It's a sad kinda thing looking at the old engines, it's like looking at a dead person, at one time it had life and was productive now it sit's dormant & it has no life at all ----- so morbid
the military bases all have auctions on the internet to sell off a lot of diffrent diesel & gas engines, some brand new in the shipping containers,look up military auctions.com
they should recycle those old engines
you forgot --here goes -kiss my fan-ny
one would think that a farmer could use the engines for irrigation pumps
nothing but junk, waiting for the smelter
This place could be reused for the benefit of the tax payer.
"That's funny, the blood normally gets off on the second floor..."

Reminds me of "The Shining" which, in turn, reminds me of "The Shinning" from The Simpsons.
You are a lot braver then I am, Motts. If I went into an abandoned building and was walking merrily down a hallway that suddenly lit up I would turn tail and run.
I think anybody is crazy for exploring these places at night!!