6 Comments Posted by Shayna

Wow. My legs just got all weak feeling looking at this. I'm not afraid of heights, but leaning over a building like this scares the snot out of me. *eek* Great picture though!
It just goes to show that even people deemed "mentally unstable" were actually very creative and brilliant individuals. Heck, I wouldn't have thought to make the box a camera, so I have to give a lot of credit to whomever painted this.
Lynne, I've been coming here for some time and I read each and every comment on each picture and I think you guys are hilarious!

Although Motts work is brilliant in itself, it wouldn't be quite as humorous if you guys didn't post here. I say, forget the haters and keep making hysterical comments about soap dispensers and lone chairs. I think you guys rock!
I love the contrast between "old" and "new" with the buildings in the back. Priceless.

Motts, you should come to RI to the Hope Mill. Although it's in pretty good condition on the outside, I can imagine the insides look somewhat worse. It's a beautiful mill and they're going to tear it down soon for condos. It's been up since the civil war and there are underground tunnels leading to the house across the street. So sad. =( I'll try to take some pictures of the outside for you!
Wow, it amazes me at what brilliant people go to these places. It's not fair to people like Motts who go there to enjoy the historic scenery for what it's worth. It must be "mad ill yo" to have half a brain like them. Seems to me that ~they~ are the ones who should be in places like this.

Anyways, great photos Motts! Keep 'em coming!!
Gives a whole new meaning to "taking a long walk off a short pier" doesn't it? LOL

Great shot! I love your site!