75 Comments Posted by Sara

I’m so sorry for your loss. I walk my dog through the park that is now there. I wanted to look up the history because I could feel a presence and it peaked my curiosity. Your brother is still in that school and I’m pretty sure he’s not the only spirit there. What was his name if you don’t mind me asking?
Hey anyone remember programs on cassette tape?
Does anyone see what looks like a patient in a blue gown by the door in the background sure looks like a ghost to me
My but the zombie comments are getting old...
Wow, some of ya'll really need to get a grip. The records aren't that old and the patients probably didn't suffer some of the treatments used in the old days.

And, Shawn, who said anything about these people being killed? You are clearly a weirdo.
Mr Motts, do you ever worry about your lung health when you go into these buildings? Asbestos and all.
What about Abandoned Schools with Textbooks? What would be the harm in that? They may be old and out of date, but they can still be usefull!
Geez, I had that same exact train when I was little. The blue smokestack would squeak or something when you press down on it.
What is "Femal Key"? Is is supposed to say Female Key? Just wonderin'...
Extremely haunting and erie.
Glass on the doors usually means that the patient was either very violent or criminal.
Anyone remember saving stuff on Cassettes?!
I wish that there were some kind of agency that would study these buildings while they are still in use to see if they can be transformed into somthing else, to lose such amazingly beautiful buildings is so sad! Imagine how many trees and stuff that would save if we could recycle these buildings!
Definitely a food tray and silverware cart. We have the exact same kind at our elementary school.
It seems odd that the facility would used satin lined coffins to bury their deceased patients...