51 Comments Posted by Rachael

i broke the winow to get in there. an that place is deffinately haunted.. but i wana go back . =)
i been in the building but i dont know the story as to what happened to it. i heard its haunted an it deffinately is after my experience in there.
Imagine me the very cemetary lover, BUT I gotta say this beats anything Ive seen in Buffalo. I may not sleep ever again .
the building actually isnt in that bad of shape... me n a couple of my friends went there last nite and waled thru it... it was pretty creepy but we got all the way to the roof top and found other kids party'n up there... then we all go tresspassing citations from the park police! lol 10/27/06
Here's an idea to finance future trips. a calender with some of your great shots worth the money maybe? And me I love cemetaries how bout that old crypts. yeah now you're talking
Think about this most of them knew they'd be back soon, it's a never ending circle for most.
But, seriously up in the r hand corner a skeleton is peeking down BAWHAAAA!!!!!!!
My Mother too endured ect, it very much effected her memory. After some visits she was schocked to learn she was married and had a little girl. At six I was hurt of course I couldn't understand.
all you need is thunder and lighting!!
Say please send some of these great photos to Jigzone.com. They would be my favorite puzzles just think St. Margerets 51 piece crazy. ty for all the great work
diden't anyone notice the face in the ceiling near the bluish sylight?
Only the shadow knows bawaaaaaaaa111
Na look at that big ghostley thing in the back room. I working in a hospital though do wonder about those records too.
I really need therapy now BUT...... I did love this shot. although who hasn't. Thanks mottso man