17 Comments Posted by RFKinNJ1978

Sunday, 02-24-2008
By: Van Gogo Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".

"I wrote a letter to daddeee... the address is Heavan above......"
I posted this in the other gallery for the chair but I would like it posted in this gallery also...thanks!

I bet you that chair did not take that much abuse when it was in use. I think that people's minds run wild about what actually happened in these Psychiatric Hospitals ... I am sure that there were some scary moments at times but if it was as bad as we would like to imagine I am sure that there would of been more precautions made and more equipment. I bet you that chair took most abuse with the UEs who were disrespectful to the place. However, I could be wrong and I would not be offended if someone told me. link
I bet you that chair did not take that much abuse when it was in use. I think that people's minds run wild about what actually happened in these Psychiatric Hospitals ... I am sure that there were some scary moments at times but if it was as bad as we would like to imagine I am sure that there would of been more precautions made and more equipment. I bet you that chair took most abuse with the UEs who were disrespectful to the place. However, I could be wrong and I would not be offended if someone told me.
Well... after looking at it for a few seconds and watching "Session 9" and looking at all the pics from the Psychiatric Hospitals, I came up with it looks like the guy on the right is holding an object and is going to perform a Lobotomy on the other guy. Very creepy!
Getting a picture of that "caretaker" would of been interesting to say the least. I am sure he would of been more the willing to oblige your request. But I sure as hell would not ask him for a pic...lol... I would of probably been out the door just as fast as you!
Thanks J-131274... I think I just found my theme song for viewing this website.....lol!
it is scary that they left stuff behind like this book. The privacy of the patients that are recorded in this book can be exposed and that is not cool.
It amazes me that they would put an exit sign above a window on the second or third story in a Psychiatric Hospital. I wonder how many patients tried to "exit" out that window?
If I visited this place, I would hope that I would have enough sence not to walk on the beams because I would probably lose my balance and fall through! Scary....not to mention what is in the air.
Funny how this hospital left a lot of stuff behind that they should not have. I wonder if it was the hospital or "visitors" to have an affect.
Isn't that illegal?
Wow... I am sure a lot of those graves belong to patients that killed themselves. How selfish of the families for abondoning their mentally ill family members and not picking them up to be buried by their family. I guess that was the way of the world then. I hope they found their peace finally. But if there are ghosts maybe they have not yet! Poor souls.
That wheel chair probably is worth quite a bit to a person who really be interested in it...exspecially in that condition. I wonder if anyone has ever taking something and got some money for something like that? I know I would do it for that...because if I just got that for myself it would freak me out...lol!
Yes, I agree with Eli and Matt... it probably was two workers or people authorized to be in that building... probably however...leaving the note to scare UEs. Funny how people were talking about someone getting lost in the hospital and not finding their way out. That would be one of my concerns also if I went exploring. As for now I am happy just exploring on this website (which is my favorite one!) Thanks Mott!
i wonder if something actually happened there at one point in time?