3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Because it used to be (and still is to an extent) a beautiful location that was unmolested by looters and taggers.
It reads "EBSARY Trade Mark" then flipped and repeated on the bottom... it was on each brick behind the plaster.
Actually, it wasn't psychiatric at all, it was a municipal hospital that had certain floors dedicated for catering to the wealthy.
It was about 5 feet tall... I didn't see any lighting inside, it was probably used to hold flowers and other decorative items.
Adam, please see the About page, it might answer your questions.
Sorry, I don't give out that kind of information.
Yeah I wear a mask in steam tunnels and places with a large amount of friable asbestos that could/will be disturbed.

Just as a side note, a P100 rated filter is a good idea if you don't want asbestosis later on; a paper dust mask or bandana will do nothing for you. Do the research before you go.
Aha! So that's what this is, a shower trolley!

Thanks for the link Lynne, now I will have a better idea of what the function is of the equipment I'm looking at!

And yeah, it's definitely a slab tub, there was a full sized bathtub in the room too.
Well, a "state school" was basically a hospital for young people with mental illnesses, and many of them had physical ailments as well because of birth defects and other complications. Some of them needed constant medical attention, and as with any hospital, there will be many deaths involved with treating these people, especially when we didn't have the medical technology and understanding of today.
Thank you, and yes I do hope to visit the UK and/or Scotland sometime soon to photograph the asylums there.
Around 30 seconds, I think.
Pennhurst was a more or less "local" state school for young people in PA, I would guess over a thousand patients lived there at any one time.. a lot less than 15,000. More patients = more deaths.

Pennhurst had a two drawer morgue by the way, the top door was used to access the refrigeration equipment, much like this freezer.
The vulture was hopping around during this long exposure shot.
It resembled a brick with ridges that held the plaster in; they look like the wall in this photo. http://www.opacity.us/image427.htm
Rusty water from the ceiling and cribs.