3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

I think the turbines in this place were worth a lot of money too. The current owners are aware, although I'm not sure what the plans are for the power plant.
Yep, that's it... there was only one abandoned building on campus, hence the short gallery. The building seemed to only house dorms and a laboratory. I have many more new places and photos to post, so don't worry!
Thanks, a wide angle lens helps get everything in the shot.
Sure did.
Heh, those fences are a bitch to climb since there's no bar over the top, so the whole thing just folds down.
The building angled inwards, allowing an adjacent building that was only about 10 feet away a good view inside.
They dormed there.
Yep... the architecture of the place seemed to be simple, but well-made.
A few of us who've been doing it for a while seem to get quieter and quieter... the rampant destruction of a few historic buildings and super increased security are all factors contributing to why.

I respect someone asking to keep a place quiet; I wouldn't tell my own girlfriend, much less my friends, it's just a scummy thing to do. More often than not, info is traded, sometimes freely given to close friends. I give fellow people a heads-up if I know something, like "They're doing construction in building 136," if they are headed there.

I don't mind showing a cool person who's never done this a neat place or two if I have the time, but I don't like the idea of holding someone's hand at every location thereafter... if you can't face something alone, you probably shouldn't be in these places.
I've seen three walk-in autoclaves or near-sized ones so far, the third isn't posted yet!
Nah, this was one of the few things left in the entire place.
Yeah, it was watered by a leaky roof.
I think sunlight was coming through leaves over the window, which often casts a bright green light such as this.
Nah, there were so many!
I'll let anyone voice their opinion here, even if I disagree. And thank you for keeping this short and civil, much appreciated.