3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

The lighting is quite sub-par for any medical procedure. The tubs and other related remnants together with the feasibility of manuvering a disabled person to get his/her head into this hole for no real reason suggests this is a towel room.
I think it was a nurse's station window.
I saw the basketball court but didn't take any shots as we were in Northampton State Hospital all day and had more to visit on this trip. I don't remember the bowling alley though, I might've missed it.
Unless the women you're taking are into this sorta thing ;)
Wow, thanks for the information and research Paul!
Thank you for writing your thoughts Ladyhawke... I did give Candace direction on what to do in each shot, and I had some specific ideas on what I wanted some shots to look like or convey, some of it was spur of the moment though. I gave her emotions and poses, although when I try my hand at this again I hope to be more prepared in which direction I want to take the shoot.
Just joshing ya ;-)
I don't think I'd explore with anyone who writes with their feces... I have some strange acquaintances, but not that strange!
Nope, by the time I get to them there's usually nothing left to eat so they all disappear. Pigeons and raccoons are usually the next inhabitants.
Whoops, thanks for the correction Ed!
Just my friend from http://www.hoursofdarkness.com
Thanks, I have photographed Eastern State Penn already, it's just waiting to be put up ;)
It affects how colors are represented... the sun and various artificial light has different color qualities depending on the time of day and year... if you left it on one setting, some photos would have a blueish tint and others might be more orange-red depending on the light source, giving the subject a false color (not as you see it with your eyes)
Yes they usually have a moldy odor to them, you grow to like it after a while though.
Research and other exploring friends :)