3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

Thanks josh, always appreciate the info on how this stuff works!
I only have stats for the years 1950-1951

Deaths: 263
Autopsies: 75 (28.5%)

Deaths: 268
Autopsies: 78 (29.1%)
It's actually rusted metal... not sure if there were casters on the bottom.
Carrying around tools like hammers and crowbars can result in a breaking and entering charge quite easily, which is a felony.
I'd love to one day, not sure about for next year though... I have plenty of cemeteries and crypts coming up, and some pretty wild stuff I haven't gotten to yet!
Nope... 24mm lens. I haven't posted anything with the 12mm yet! ;-)
No, those spaces are way too small to hold a single bed... KPPC had a tuberculosis treatment building near the quad but was torn down a while ago, if I remember correctly.
Well, yes I am getting old I suppose :-)

I read somewhere that it was a popular skating place at one point for teenagers. I also used to skate back in the day as well; it wasn't meant as a derogatory comment toward skaters, although it could be easily misconstrued as one due to my laziness in typing (this site was more of a pastime three years ago).
I did another, more intensive tour of the place this spring, have yet to post photos... not sure when I'll be up there again though; thank you for the offer.
Old fire hose that was run out through the building.
Yeah, Cane Hill and West Park near Epsom were two places I was not able to photograph :(
Nah, I missed it... sounds pretty awesome though! Tis a shame, I was just over here yesterday :)
I believe this building was a daycare facility for the staff's kids.
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Please keep the topic to adult cribs and similar medical devices. Religion is a touchy issue to many and is far from the subject in the photo, any more discussion of it will be removed.

Thank you.