3,698 Comments Posted by Motts

The next two photos are from the same room; yes it looked like a seclusion room of sorts.
Not an awful question, it's a natural part of the decomposing process.

No, there wasn't any odor or hint of rotting flesh - these people have been dead a long, long time. The place just smelled very musty, with a hint of that damp, rotting wood smell that I've become very familiar with.
Self control?
I'd say 1904 to the 1940's-50's. This facility had two forensic psych buildings, Salmon and AWL, located on either side of administration (kinda like a backwards Kirkbride plan). The rest of this facility was used for general psychiatric and rehab. Not every psych hospital has a criminal psych unit; in fact I believe most do not have one.
No, I don't have an idea about the date... the earliest internments dated around the 1700's, although there could have been earlier dates on the top level caskets or ones without plaques. I would assume the crypt to be built around this time, but they could have been moved at any point.
The crowns were made of metal, not sure what kind. They did not hold any jewels.
Heh I always get confused...

This was shot from the admin tower, looking towards Beverly Airport.
Interesting... yes this is/was in Warwick.
Wow, would love to hear any of those stories!
Rachel, I believe this report was for one ward, which I would assume to be a single floor of a single wing of the hospital. If there were 18 patients in this ward, then one suicidal patient would be a very realistic number.
I have many more photos of the wards, theater, bowling alley, and other places that I haven't gotten to posting online yet
Yes, in varying forms. One kind is a hard plastic, not really padded per se, more stain-proof, rounded corners for safety, and more sound proof than a normal room like this: http://www.opacity.us/...1239_padded_room.htm

Others have a thick pad, similar to a gym mat placed on the walls and floor. Photos coming soon.

I've seen what can only be described as a literal "rubber room" once, it was a rather large room lined with a thick rubber material along the walls, floor and ceiling. Photos coming as well.
No, they are sitting on my hard drive waiting to be edited and put online, just haven't had the time lately. I have 80 locations I haven't gotten to yet... :-)
No, not in the crypt.
Yes, I believe these are the first two wards closes to administration, which would be the original 1856 structure.