3,181 Comments Posted by Lynne

This must have been one attractive, shiny, futuristic-looking place when it first opened. The architecture is marvelous.
Oh my God, I love this shot!
Who's that guy in the horror flicks with all the pins pokin' out of his face? Puts me in mind of him. :-)
GREAT perspective - fabulous!
My God - you're right - it's feckin' HUGE!
You're right - they're marvelous!
But, but, but . . . . but darlin', this is just a hallway! =8-o

Although mebbe they just want us to THINK it was a hallway and mebbe it was really just another way for those people to torture the poor souls who were caged there like animals, treated cruelly and savagely by their sadistic captors, tortured and experimented upon in the very prime of their lives by sickos with nothing better to do than - well, whatever it was that they had nothing better to do THAN. Oh, the humanity! 8`-(

Or is it, "Oh, the IN-humanity"? I never can remember. Guess I'm just too busy being an asshat most of the time. >;-)
Pepper Pot, you are too funny!
Oh Motts, how can we be scared now? ;-)
Well. My goodness. :-)

[Notice the incredible restraint.]
Ya know, you could look at this like it's great that she was the first one they painted and then they painted the other children afterward, so she was first on the artist's mind.

But then, it wouldn't sound like everyone who worked here sucked and the place sucked, would it? It would sound like the artist was open-minded and cared about people who use wheelchairs for transportation. So I guess we can rub out THAT particular explanation and look for one that describes the place as a true hellhole with no socially redeeming values at all and everyone who ever worked here as a sadistic maniac who hated people who use wheelchairs. That would certainly fit with people's fondest wishes and hopes, it seems. Geez, the first little girl is pretty faded too, but I don't see anyone getting all sentimental and pitiful about discrimination against Caucasian girls with black hair who wear red skirts and how she is placed "all alone" in front of the other children.

Look at YOUR biases, people, because a lot of y'all are surely projecting them here.

And that, my dear friends, was professional analysis totally free of charge. And worth every penny of it, to boot! :-)
Yep, there is some bitter irony at work here, that's for sure.

Where's my helmet again?
People bring leaves to parties these days? I really must get out more . . . .
But "Power Plant Paranormal" is pretty damned funny. 8`-)