7 Comments Posted by Lorien

Makes you wonder if it was punishment isolation or protective isolation. An open railing, no mesh on the third (?) tier - not a walkway where guards would be fighting to get an inmate into a cell, one thinks.
Nevermind...a few pics later cleared that up. How cool; the thick paint peeling off, retaining the imprint of the bricks it adhered to for so long.
...is that brick wallpaper peeling off above the doors...? lol
PS: To answer your question regarding graqffiti's 'placew' - I think modern surfaces devoid of historical or visual interest on their own merits are totally fair game. ;)
I suppose I was being a bit crabby and purist. I've just seen so many places ruined by tagging/graffiti - to the point where you can't actually see any of the original surfaces; seems a shame.

Your logic is inarguable regarding the upcoming demolition of so many of these places; but how nice if we could all enjoy them, without the addition of (usually) childish paint-pissing.

Having said that, true graffiti art is another whole world, and one I obviously haven't reconciled with my love of UE. I'm a hypocrite, because some things I don't mind tagged, and some I do. Utterly subjective. No one said life was fair...lol.

On the other hand, I bet most, if not all here would be positively livid if someone tagged the Baron's Crypt; so I know I'm not entirely alone in this.
Nope, not too old. If I ever catch a tagger doing his/her thing on something historic, they're gonna become something historic.

Talk about ruining it for everyone else. Grrrrr.
Being a serious UE fan, I can't believe your site is not linked absolutely everywhere. Beautiful work, layout, photos, colors - everything. I just about orgasmed perusing the Crypt of Baron's photos..!

You have been seriously bookmarked. Please, please don't disappear offline as so many do...

...and thanks for the eye candy!

:::merrily off to see the rest of the site:::

Santa Fe, NM