209 Comments Posted by Liza

Er, what are grossing tables? Just what they sound like?
Stand up? Did they strap them in there or something?

Goats will eat the plants you dont want eaten as well.
My goats jumped on the cars all the time when they were young. Now they just waddle around.

Goat poo pool table for zombie mice, bobo.
Did any of you catch the PBS show about the life of the ice berg and the Titanic? Very interesting. Only a little blurb about global warming, but the rest was awesome.

I have goats. They pooh at random and just squat to piddle anywhere anytime. Smells like foul band aids.
Whew, I agree. Although I have been able to catch up on some of the older galleries and truly enjoy all of the posts on the forums.
Raputa the Buta. I haven't heard that one for awhile. I thought my silly sisters and I were the only ones around who used it.

Zip line with live wires. LOL , I can see Mama surrounded by all the little electric zigzaggy things like in cartoons.
The entire quote is very interesting, and I can see why they taught it to the inmates. I do not believe he was saying that education was unimportant, but that ones Attitude about education, or lack thereof, could have a profound effect on all people; regardless of all that life puts one through.

Throughout my long career my attitude was judged more than my accomplishments in many cases.
Okay, why is the floor cracked in a circle around the old thing? Natural aging, or another "lift" going down to the nether regions?
A little Murphy's oil soap and a crew of scrub persons and we could fix it right up. The stone all looks good. I suggest bring your own cushion, though.
It seems like an odd arrangement of benches and alcoves. Do the beanches extend behind the columns? strange. Awesome shot though. very well preserved.
Given time, nature will find a way in even when you cannot get out
Nice soap dispensers and tiled ceiling. Is that a sofa at the end of the hall. Waiting.
Wow, that face on the right really freaked me out. It looks really real. It did not take me long to see it. I am not so sure about the other faces, etc. previously mentioned. I also thought some of the smaller marks looked like lip marks smooching the glass.
Welll said, Claude.
Marilyn's comment is a wonderful testimony to the true intent of these magnificent buildings. They should have tried to save the system through reform, not closure. The buildings were built to last and surely could have been updated again and again. So sad.