209 Comments Posted by Liza

I wonder if all that missing glass was colored? Can you imagine how beautiful it must have been?

Zombie bunker up the mountain, not shrine.
How do you do it Motts? Such a great eye for photography.
I love the green hillside and the trees in this shot. It looks like a great time of year to be there. As with many other fans, I love the old hospitals and sanatoriums the best.
I believe much of the overcrowding was due to people "dumping" family members with conditions like Cerebral Palsey or Down's Syndrome, or Post Partum Depression, etc. I think it was quite easy to commit somebody back in the day.
Looks like the critters did not like the gurney and made a side track.
Dear ilovehoseyrides. There were a lot of horses affected by the hurricane. Check some of the equine rescue websites if you want to adopt. I think we even got a few up here in MN. No hurricanes, only tornados and blizzards.
Ephemera: Desire
Mr. Motts, I too was suprised when you said the new construction was not elevated. Many of the older stuctures in New Orleans are elevated because the people knew the place was prone to floods and was a stinking morass in the wet seasons. Many of the old plantations had the main house elevated and quite often the "lower level" was left open or only partially enclosed and used for storage. Even the graves are elevated. One would think they would wise up. I also think the lack of rebuilding is due to the 9th ward being in natural flood basin.
Thanks for the pictures. I can't say enough about your fantastic galleries.
Ephemera: Desire
It is a church to worship the grain goddess.
I am thinkling the Nazis stipped this house of all ornamentation as they did in so many other homes. Remember the burned books and stolen artwork? Not to mention lives. But I digress.
They must have gotten a good deal on those ugly ass light fixtures!
It looks like the big arch was bricked up. I am sure many arches were lowered to conserve heat. The smaller arch looks like it works with the downward flow of the staircase. Only Motts knows if the stairs had arches all along them.
Dig those wagon wheel light fixtures. Ye haw.
If anyone has been in the mail room, does it still" say "liza loves john" and "randy loves his mom" on the black board?
very cool shot!