64 Comments Posted by Laura

My dad was adopted and I believe his birth mother was here and likely died here. Does anyone know where the patients that died there were buried? I think I read something about numbered graves. Does anyone know where the records are kept?
This is an image that haunts me somewhat, since my Mother often talk about peering out of the windows there in the '60s.
I am working on a documentary series for BBC4 and looking to speak to anyone who experienced ECT at Denbigh or elsewhere. If this is you then please do get in touch so I can find out more about your experience with no obligation to be involved - laurawatt @ 7wonder .co.uk
Looks like it could be restored, i totally would if i had the time and money
Perhaps a Baptismal Pool.
what a shame.
That does not look like it was ever warm and cheery......grey and green.......clinical...
I want to know who has that gem.........That had to be worth big bucks, also the marble steps, I had a relative who worked there.
She lived in the employee mini apartments....Cant get near the place now.
My family is from Mass, My grand father died in a TB hospital, a step grand father died in a scitso (sp) hospital, I cant find either, my family says Worcester mass, or Rutland mass.
That little statue head, on top of the radio, it's a copy of Michelangelo's David.

The man had good, classical taste.
Great photo, if you had done this in color it wouldn't have been near as impressive. Beautiful!
Ephemera: Royal Land
Ok, want the tile in this place it's beautiful...as are your photos as always Motts!
Please, please, please make that a wallpaper. What an awesome photograph!
Does anyone know a way into this place without breaking the law? My mother-n-law is mesmerized by this place. I have seen the outside it is a very beautiful place. I love all the pictures please let me know how to get in? gages_grl@yhaoo.com
I love this one, Motts! There's something about peeling paint that always seems to make me feel itchy...particularly with this shot. The light and colour in this shot are also gorgeous!