11 Comments Posted by KommanderK

Might those be the hair dryers that you commonly see in salons? You know, the type that goes behind the chair and bends over the person sitting in it..?

And i'd like to say..Hey Mr. Motts!! I sadly got away from the forum and the site in general, but i'm trying to get back on this great place more often now. And i remember i said[i believe..] i was just going to be taking a short leave of absence...heh, yeah, minor underestimation. Sorry about that one.
no, the 7 levels of Limbo [or hell, if you please...]!
it almost looks like a woman under the propping stick...sitting on the floor, wearing a dress with legs outstretched. the stick would go along her back like that...
yeah, i'd have to say St Francis also.

and that must be the Orkus Pinochous, to have such a wooden nose! :P
wooo! amazing pics!

merci beaucoup, mon chere amie! (with appropriate accents)
i'm guessing thats why this pic is named what it is, but you see that jet stream? it looks almost like smoke coming out of the chinmey, making the place look like its still occupied.
and for this one and all the infared ones before it....*cough**cough*wallpaper*cough*

pleeeze <:D
ya'know, those holes or whatever in the doors look like the stars on the rooms of celebrities like you always see in shows...looks like their talkshow got canceled a while back :)
very very VERY pretty and cool; i've allways liked ferns. theres something about them...prehistoric, maybe? eeh, they're just cool....

and i agree, they should leave this grow for at LAEST 5 years, it'll be a fern palace! or a cool greenhouse
ach, that door falling off of the wall really confuses me to which way is up!
if you ask me, those things on the wall look like painted on (or "fake", if you will) versions of either those upward-facing light fixtures OR some kind of hang-on-the-wall vases. they might not be painted, but thats how they seem to me. i also find it interedting that, for a chapel, the room is divided in half; not only by the columns, but the celing even angles in.
to voice my opinion, i think i may see an "E" before it. EDETH(as in a girl's name), maybe?