147 Comments Posted by Katie

this looks like ons of those old pictures with supposed "ghosts" in them. this creeps me out.
it MIGHT be scary if it looked like real blood. its sad because the fake blood i get for halloween looks better than whatever was used here.
reminds me of heaven and hell, the darkness and the light, altho here the roles of heaven and hell seem to have been reversed, dark over light. wonderful picture
it also makes me wonder about the children who played there, what if they managed to get out and wander over there? very dangerous
i LOVE playgrounds, even ones for little kids, if that was near my house, id never go to another playground again. that is a creepy view.
it looks just like this small abandoned kiddie amusement park near where i live before it was turned into a gas station , but you ccan still see where the rides were.
This is eerily beautiful, it makes what would be an 'ugly' derelict room look graceful.
Amazing picture.
i see someone in there
i went to this place met state in waltham its freaky stuff
where is this place at?? i wanna check it out!
we went there today, when we went in all of the handels were up! in this photo some are down!
we went into the smokestack and all the ash surrouned us.it was so scary, when wecame out blackf-foot prints seemed to follow us!!!
i just visited letchworth.... amazing place! It would be nice if there was a guide to what is what and what were the buildings originally used for
where the paint is scraped off looks like a mans outline, the face and shoulders, like youwould be looking at him frome the side. thats what i think
I wanna talk to the people who worked there and and who put there kids there!