216 Comments Posted by Jo

Waiting for fingers
to dust these keys
once again
I honestly want to cry, green does not come after blue. This is the saddest attempt for a rainbow ever. The color spectrum does not work that way.
Hahahaha, "are you guys allowed to graffiti?" Sorry, I thought that was just hillarious, Mr. Motts dosen't do the graffitti it's already there. Graffiti is a destruction of property which Motts dosen't want to do, also it's just wrong and destroys the awesomeness of the buildings.
I have always wondered, If I could spell. No that's not It, but why do they put metal at the bottom of the doors? Is it to protect them from stretchers?
Motts you are fabulous at capturing emotion.
I am indeed an angle person and might I say the angle in this one and the emotion overwhelms me. This is my favorite by far.
After seeing the last one and clicking on this one, I nearly had a heart attack and pissed myself. I love the emotion and movement in this picture. The look on her face also just goes perfectly with the pose. Mr. Motts I give you a round of applause for this one.
Wonderfully full of emotion, I love the realistic looking blood, and how it was pooling into the drain and not just poured in some straight line like some cheap 2 dollar horror film.
Rtotten, I'm thinking they used it for one person at a time. Turning around might be tricky for two people walking in something so narrow. I think the shoeprints adds life to the picture.
I wrote it in the words of them. They say it's cruel because they don't think of asylums as anything BUT cruelty. They think all the paitents in here are normal people abducted off the streets and beat to death. "Omfg I bet they shoved people in this fireplace while it was burning as a form of punishment"
~Me is an EXPERT at anal probing. I know ~Me does it all the time. Poor Poor Lynne. I would like to learn, just to get back at ~Me. Sketch check your e-mail sometime so you can get back at me.
Omg Paitents feelign normal, oh no tha'ts cruelty. I should report this place to the po-lice. Paitents are supposed to feel abnormal cramped in little rooms all day. Left to make no friends and not have a meaning in life. Not like they're ever getting out. So, this fireplace is a cruel horror. CRUEL CRUEL. OMFG IS IT BLOOOOD ON IT TOOO. BLOOOOOOD.
Anyways Jo isn't in a good mood.
I was there today, four numbing shots. I do believe even my eyeball was numb for a while there. Now that the numbing is over where he shot me is sore as crap. Stupid dentist tried to talk to me while numbing me. I almost bit him.........seven or eight times today. :'( I feel sorry for dentists because of paitents like me, that glare at you when you get near them. But then again if i was the dentist i would laugh in the situation because of the ceartian people (jodi) that cry when getting numbed. Anyways i was there today, in that chair.
They smear poo, not fling.
There is a guy at my dad's work named John P. He has a handle bar moostashe. I remember going to his work and thinking he was in the circus, and being dissapointed when i found out he wasent in the circus. ='(