28 Comments Posted by Icewall42

Those colors pop so readily, for a moment I thought I was looking at a B&W photo with some color added, but nope, it's all color!
I don't care who you think you are. No animal "deserves" to be a coat, and people who think so are disrespectful, useless, and barren of humanity (furs make very warm coats but that's beside the point). Hate animals such as raccoons all you want, but take that trash somewhere else. This isn't the appropriate forum to air such views. Don't like the critter? Don't bother it. Better for you, better for the animal (which might have rabies). This coon is best admired from afar. And seriously? We're here to admire the photography, anyway, not to bandy around the uses of an animal, or decide who is dirtier.

Yeah, I know I'm years late, but I leave this here for the next person reading these comments.
This reminds me of that one funky tunnel in Zelda!
I hate walmart so much... I seriously hope they burn. My hometown in Alaska has only one overpass, and it's all thanks to walmart. It's the stupidest, most god-awful waste of money I've ever seen in the history of the town. I boycotted walmart years ago, and still do. I miss the local stores, the mom-and-pops... better selection, better quality goods from them.

But it's even worse when historic, architecturally-beautiful sites like this get mowed over for the greedy, consumerist pigs.
So very lonely... something about the ivy in an otherwise empty hallway really heightens the sensation of isolation.
Got to love the plants creeping in through the openings... almost like a light of life and hope in an otherwise dying place.
Ooooo, moody! I love it.
I would be more inclined to support the idea of a "retreat" that those who need to get away while under treatment could make use of. Not precisely a mental institution, but more of a relaxing place to stay for a week or two for personalized care and a change of scenery. Anyhow, I really love the color and atmosphere in this photo.
Such warm, golden light. I love it. So quiet and peaceful.
Yeah, part of the urbex "code" is not to take anything except pictures (leaving it for the next explorer), and only minimally move something (if it would add something to the shot, and it's not too destructive of the original state). Correct me if I'm wrong :) It is sorely tempting to take a memento, though.
Oh, I really like the lines and greens in this one.
Wow, that's a long alley!
This would make an awesome wallpaper, but then I feel like all of your photography would! Just something so lush and natural about this one.