152 Comments Posted by Grace

I like the fact that the plain, stable wall looks like it's the invader, rather than the other wall with the giant hole in it.
Your photography is so emotionally evocative. Do you shoot in RAW and photoshop these later, or was this the result of the original exposure?
Reminds me of Joel Peter Witkin.
I love the muted blast of colors in this shot. Surprisingly, the shot is visually extremely interesting, even though it is so dead center. You have an amazing eye and real balls to do a shot like that.
Reminds me of the autopsy rooms in the asylums, only more organic. There's more use out of the room and seems like a lot of time, effort and love was given here.
This is what happens during mashing. You pour the grain with the water and heat it really high and mix them together, with resting at different intervals. This gets the malt to break down starches into sugars.

Yeah... I took a beers class in college. o_O
This reminds me a lot of your older work, but with a little of the new thrown in. I like the shallow f-stop. :)
I like the fact that this shot prominently displays a room where the modern structure interrupts the serenity of the original building, and how the figures correspond and exemplify that fact. Basically... I like the "human invasion" statement (though you might not have been thinking about that at the time).
Dedicated to me? Thanks! :P
I love the minimalist and gritty nature of this shot. Did you vignette on purpose, Motts, or was that just how the available lighting presented itself?
I love the return to darkness! There's something you capture in the darker shots. Your artificial lighting is beautiful and what you capture is so emotional. Your photography is a style that I could never reproduce and I'm so jealous of you for it.
i want this job ( i am working on as we speak)
I love how the infrared makes the scene look as if it's been snowing. I really love when a photograph tricks the viewer.
I like the organic green of the moss and the bright, happy artificial blue that invade the industrial harshness of the steps.
The duality is interesting. I love that this shot feels completely surreal. It's reminds me of the set design from a movie like Pan's Labyrinth.