10 Comments Posted by Elisa

My mom worked at Pilgrim and also had a room she lived in on campus. I can remember being very young and staying in the room while she worked and also seeing the patients when I was taken on the floors. This was back in the early 1960's. Pilgrim has always haunted me then and that is before people started talking about it.
I miss this place.All the people who worked here were amazing and so dedicated,My grandma and 2 aunts worked here for as long as I can remember and I grew up on all of these grounds with them visiting,and making (some of the safer!!) patients happy,there were so many stories and things I have learned here.It is almost majestic and your pictures are so captivating,you should be so proud of yourself as these mean a lot to me and my family and you have done this place a true justice.
I'm amazed
these chairs were made of fiberglass and I will always remember how my legs were so itchy when I sat in them!
I feel like this one says they have all gone and their souls are finally set free from their demented minds.
This is so beautiful,I passed by it the other day and it is closed off,I heard it is being renovated.
I passed by this last week and I pray they aren't tearing it down,it had all fences up around it. This is almost mesmerizing up close,its beautiful.
I have to say I love this one. Being a little girl roaming these halls I feel I was a part of something special. My aunts worked with mostly the older patients and I visited here weekly. I feel like you captured their existence in this hospital,truly,I always saw a spark of life behind their "Cataracts".
My family all worked here and growing up I made many trips inside during parties for the patients, I remember sitting in those chairs..this brings back so many memories.
it's so cool that the hospital is still there!