50 Comments Posted by Beth

No glory in being number 2
Eww, Irn Bru. They must have been *really* high.
Haunting! Thank you for your wonderful photos, you have an exceptional talent. It's sad to see these buildings being torn down to make way for condos (ie danvers). I would love to see these in a coffee table book.
I am in absolute awe of your pictures. I have never seen a sight like this. I have a peculiar fascination with these dilapitated but beautifully architectured buildings, the creepiness and sad histories of these places leaves me intrigued and your pictures tell an interesting story:)
Doesn't look like a sporran to me. Dress sporrans (which you'd assume this would be) usually have a metal frame at the top to close and a lot of them are fur rather than just leather. Kind of looks Native American... which is obviously silly.
I have windows like that in my house...
That looks like the cover of a book. (I'm a writer--if i get a book published, can I get i buy this for a cover?)
This is so compelling. So sad. It makes me so relieved to be living in 2006. When my beloved sister died young, I was so saddened by her death that I went to a pyschologist twice a week for a few months to get over it. Had I been "back in the day", I would have wound up in that God forsaken place, simply because of a broken heart. It makes you think, doesn't it...
It really does look as if the chair is floating - it's because the shadow isn't where you'd expect it to be. Also, that totally looks like fake marble. :P
Those are Corinthian columns, if anyone cares. :)
She just looks pissed off to me.
I wish there was a way to keep it from being demolished. It is a beautiful piece of history, and I loved seeing the grounds on my walks.
Mr. Motts, Are you ever scared in any of these buildings. I would be to excited to even begin to keep my hands steady to take a picture. With all the stories it wouldn't take much to put me through the roof.
Looking at the windows makes me wonder if anyone ever jumped? It is mesmerizing. scary and beautiful at the same time