77 Comments Posted by Ash

Wow, I was drawing one from cherry knowles for the front cover of my book, sanitorioum. I absolutly love this hospital
if you look at the black thing above the door in a certain way it looks a little like a 15" TFT monitor lol
I been very intrested in these buildings..
To all whose family members who died . I give out my sincere apologies. For they now can R.I.P, they shouldnt of been treated in the condition that they stood in their final moments of life before death.

I too, would love to visit this place in person.
This "Big T" person is really making me angry right now...
Wow, looks amazing. But doesn't that look like a creepy arm coming out of the "black hole," and grabbing onto the railing on the right there? *chills*
okay cause i definately see three. one sitting, one standing, and one kneeling on one knee. weird.
i love the chair
those tiny little basins dont hold anything..i can puke alot more than that!! lol
question..how many people are in this photo??
looks like the titanic
It's "Gabby Bear." Google image it.
I love the perspective on this shot
No joke, by friend was telling me about that. I went there about a year ago, it's so freaky, like the roads just driving around the buildings are pitch black..
Not only adults were in the TB hospital. There were also children.Once you were in the hospital, it was rair if you left. Some patients even became crippled from TB. Because of this they had to were painful devices,like leg braces. You can still hear moning and crying down the halls. Many patients had died here before becoming even a little better. This TB hospital was over crowed. There were patients in the halls. Supplies were limited and not all of the patients recieved treatment.
me and my friends are going to try and get in there. we are usually good at doing stuff like this, i promise we have no intention once so ever to vandilize or do anything destructive to it, we would really like to just see it from the inside. If anyone has any tips or suggestions on not getting caught i would really appreciate it.