21 Comments Posted by April

I can't believe all that remains in this room. Beautiful.
I would love to see more pictures if you have any. I stayed at this youth hospital in 94/95 and it brought back alot of memories. I read alot about the place but when I stayed there as a teenager it was not that bad. I don't have any horror stories. I hope they do not demolish the building and they decide to keep it and restore it.
These are great pictures taken of the Sterling, and thank you so much for taking the risk to get them. My grandfather used to own the fur store that was inside the sterling and i used to go play in there as a kid all the time, its a shame what happened to that building. That buliding was truely a work of art, i will be sad to see it go
Definitely not a toilet to sit on!!
I love this! You can just imagine hearing a noise behind you while walking this corridor, turning round to see some hunched figure shuffling along, begging you to help them.......
wow. thats is just awsome ( . ) period no questions
lol looks like all of the chairs were trying to make a break for it at once
Ya'll...I doubt very seriously that family, or even the husband was allowed in the delivery room back in the day. Women were pretty much unconscious for much of a (hospitalized) birthing process back then.

That doesn't look like a birthing or L&D room to me.
For those of you wondering what happened to the severely mentally ill after de-institutionalization, well, many have found their way into the prison system. The mentally ill inmate population quadrupled in the past 20 years in GA. I worked as mental health counselor in the prison system for 6 years (2002-2008) and saw many men (and women) who, fifty years ago, due to the severity of their mental illness, would have been hospitalized for the rest of their lives. Very sad really.
maybe the inmate was asking for a "snack" and just couldn't spell very well? ;)
didn't Chico go on to get his own tv show? you know, "Chico and the Man?" :/
i call bottom bunk....bad back ya'll
oooooohhh. cells with windows. who'd a thunk it?
love ur shots Motts.

I think that I'd have a hard time getting much work done at that desk though.
i find this very creepy n a hundred questions cross my mind

really liking the pics tho x