4,081 Comments for Norwich State Hospital

Great shot-looking up the front of the boiler from the burners. As an engineer, I'm enjoying any machinery photos you've got on this site.
Untouched remained silent....how fascinated this place....
Oh man, the colors here are amazing!! Great eye Motts.
I remember having to visit a friend that was admitted into that building around 1976. It was just like One flew over the Coo Coo's Nest
Something tells me that Sam Fist guy is a huge douche. The photos from Mister Motts are really neat. I saw an old episode of "Ghost Hunters" when they were filming at Norwich LEGALLY I might add.
Oh my. Now that would be unsettling to find poking around Norwich.
Really nice picture.
These are the ball returns; a person near the pins would roll them back up the gutters and the ball would come to rest on the bumper at the end of the wooden lane.
I'm not quite sure what's in the picture
Apparently I'm the only one on the planet who likes "old hospital jade" tiles! They're not boringly beige. They look great with bright colors...
That's documenting abnormal posturing. You highlight the muscles involved by shining a light on (usually just turning a desk lamp toward the resident), which is causing the 'red' shadows under her hands and feet--see the extra-dark shadows in front of her body?--she's just spotlighted.

The white stuff is probably just damage to the picture.
what a shame to waste all them diapers, I could of made use of them
I have been there its just makes me sad
Yes, it is good, now, we have all these lovely Galleries - thanks mr. M. FTW.
A lot IS gone - Google Earth has `The Time-line´ and it is clearly seen.
...yes; awesome thread really. Concur.
And LAMPS - opaque glass - it is lovely. Gave such soft warm light.