4,081 Comments for Norwich State Hospital

A favorite.
Ahh Norwich..............has soul
Those plates are just fine; simple white, sturdy + strong. Plain pretty FTW.
Maybe "HAVE YOU READ THE LABEL?" is put on every cabinet?
This one for spices. Don´t put black pepper on the porridge!
Gold Medals, indeed, awesome gallery.
This looks like the recreation room in Lodge Building
This building is beautiful im a photographer not a professional one I would love to get nice shots of that place
all these buildings waisted away what a shame when you think about all the homeless people in ct. some are in very good condition(not these) what a great place to open a shelter and vocational center
incubators for the chickens
I am hoping that someone hasn't yet grabbed all of the diapers! If possible, I'd like to go get them all even the ones that aren't usable...they can go into my dumpster with me when I conduct my #deathWithDignity plan: http://thediaperservic...stom-death-with.html
Door on the floor - i like it.
can i get one of thoes please to stay in?
I was in the Kettle building Adolescent unit. Some of the staff were awesome people who really wanted to help. Some not so much. The policies and known treatments were sometimes things we wouldn't do to prisoners of war in today's standards.
I spent my share of time in those tunnels. They have some with caged off rooms used at 1 time for electro shock therapy as they called it. I call it torcher.
The Kettle building was my home for a long period of time. I found nothing fun about it. The things they did in the name of health care still haunt me today.
I was a patient there in the early 70's. Not fond memories still suffer from PTSD. I walked thru many of the tunnels. It's how they got me to the different buildings movie theaters and roller skating rings.
I want to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The state did not know what they did to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!