1,244 Comments for Central Islip State Hospital

oh Nurse..
Would look great with plants
Come...........I'll make you fissures of men...
Those floor plans never were much use to me.
This one looks relatively new.
Sort of like life at the bottom of the storm drain.
Somehow get the feeling of Father Confessor or something.
adjacent doors
Lovely place to spend your life,hotdogs or no.
i was first attracted by your colors...
Those really are some high tech portable soap dispensers complete with an on/off switch. Nice to see the evolution of the soap dispenser documented here. These may have even come equipped with a light.
the opened door and shaft of light are beckoning, come in come in, in this room there is purity, there is light, there is a lovely secret we want to tell you. In here there is safety and peace. Glorious!
Treatment..... but treatment for what?? Spooky......
it is oddly calming, i'd imagine the light being reflected comes from the sunset outside, its peaceful and rather optimistic. The odd bluish light outside the door is perhaps the creepiest part of the picture.
Yes Canadian Chick i think you're right about the birthday thing. Balloons always remind me of little souls floating up and up.
Love the photographs of manuals, notes and drawings, they're just so intersting. On sheltered workshops, these are common in centres that cater to special needs individuals. They can range from tailoring and handicrafts to farming to factory work and the patients are supposed to get paid a small salary though whether they actually do or not who knows. Some sheltered workshops are a combination of academics and work. And that is my two cents on the issue :D